Fact Sheet

About KD

Fabless semiconductor supplier KD provides innovative high-speed optical networking solutions for harsh environments. Founded in 2010 in Madrid, Spain, KD offers its cost-effective technology as fully qualified automotive-grade ASSP, integrating electronics, photonics, and optics in a single IC. KD’s technology makes use of information theory, innovative digital adaptive algorithms, and analog mixed-signal design to maximize the receiver’s sensitivity. KD innovates in optical coupling and packaging design, which enables integration of optical communications ports in electronic control units using standard printed circuit assembly processes. Together, these offerings allow KD to support high-yield and reliable optoelectronics production in low-cost automotive-grade bulk CMOS deep submicron nodes, and to deliver products to carmakers with low risk, low cost, and short time-to-market. KD made gigabit communications for step-index plastic optical fiber (SI-POF) a reality for automotive and is now developing its multi-gigabit optimized solution for use with Glass Optical Fiber (GOF) as well.

Company Contact

Ronda de Poniente 14, 2ª Planta
28760 Tres Cantos
Óscar Ciordia
Sales & Marketing Director
E pr@kd.tech
T +34 918043387

Press Contact

ahlendorf communication
Mandy Ahlendorf
Hermann-Roth-Strasse 1
82065 Baierbrunn, Germany
T +49 89 41109402
E mail@ahlendorf-communication.com